
Jul 1, 2009

Before We Start, WAV and Bitmap Conversion

First before you start you may want to get the program. Luckily recently they did a release of the multi version in English. The English multi version is much more intuitive to work with and when I planned on starting this blog, was not available. I still hope that someone will still find this blog to be a valuable tool.

WAV Conversion:

The simplest way to convert a file to a wav using a program you probably already have is to use iTunes. First you need to set iTunes to convert files into wav. By default iTunes will convert fikes into an ACC files. to change this you will need to open up the iTunes preferances.

Click on Import Settings.

And set to WAV encoder. From there if is a matter of left clicking the song you want to convert and telling it to convert to WAV. The new WAV file should now be in the iTunes folder.

If you find yourself needing something more powerful, I would suggest Audacity. It is a wonderful free audio editing tool.

Bitmap Conversion:


I severly hate this program but chances are you already have it and Bitmap is its native format. Its as easy as opening the image you want and saving it as a 24-bitmap. After that its ready for action.

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